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Course/Product Description

Tips For Effective Conflict Management

Date / Time: Recorded
Format: Audio Conference

Tips For Effective Conflict Management
Conflict is a natural part of every job – it plays a role in every relationship of significance. It’s a simple fact that conflict is, at times, inevitable in the workplace – and it can even be beneficial.

Conflict does not have to be a destructive force – it’s only a negative factor when it isn’t handled effectively. Truly cohesive teams are able to engage in productive conflict that leads to stronger professional relationships and better overall results.

The reality is that conflict in and of itself is neither good nor bad. What matters is how conflict is handled. Effective managers, HR professionals, and employees at all levels must be adept at managing conflict in a constructive and productive manner. That’s exactly what you’ll learn how to do in this informative audio conference.

Learning Objectives

Attend this session and get practical strategies and tips you can immediately apply to improve your ability to manage conflict effectively. Key topics covered include:
  • The power of conflict: Understanding how/why conflict can be both constructive and destructive
  • 5 distinct techniques for managing conflict effectively
  • Benefits and costs of each conflict management technique
  • Choosing the best technique: Examples of situations in which each approach is appropriate
  • How to choose the best approach to managing a conflict in light of the situation and participants
  • Mastering the art of approaching conflict assertively rather than aggressively
  • Guidelines for delivering messages effectively in conflict situations
  • Key tips for building better workplaces through engaging in productive conflict

Cannot Attend The Live Presentation?

This presentation is also available in a recorded format, in On-Demand version, as shown in the pricing options below.
About Webcasts / Audio Conferences / Podcasts:Webcasts, audio conferences, and podcasts are presentations that you attend via the Internet, phone, or mobile device at a specified date and time for "live" versions, or at your convenience for "recorded" and "On-Demand" versions.

The live versions are interactive, meaning that participants can ask questions in real time, plus are a very cost-effective form of training because 1) you receive fast, convenient learning without any out-of-office time; 2) you can invite as many colleagues as you'd like to listen in on a single phone line; 3) you incur no travel expenses; and 4) you and your colleagues are back at work immediately after the session ends!

And though with recorded versions you do lose the ability to ask questions, you gain the ability to hear the presentation numerous times and to share it with others in your office.

Handout materials and the phone number for live presentations are made available to you prior to the event via email from the presenter and from the "MyAccount" link on the menu bar. Copies of the presentations are included with recorded versions.

Licenses / Designations / Educational Credits:PHR / SPHR Re-Certification Credits

About The Provider: The Industry Calendar creates and sells webinars, audio conferences, and seminars for busy business professionals.

For over ten years we've done the work of listing the important, don't-miss events in one convenient location so you can quickly and easily learn about key training topics that keep you up-to-date on trends and best practices, all while helping to keep you in compliance with the various rules and regulations affecting your organization.
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