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Course/Product Description

New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-Daytime

Format: In-Person Seminar
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Description: This course prepares students to take the New Jersey Life Insurance Producers Exam. This course satisfies the NJ Insurance Department's pre-licensing education requirement. Students must attend all sessions and achieve a score of 70% or better on the course final exam to receive a Certificate of Completion.

This class is offered in the following format:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8:00am- 4:00pm daily Via Go to Meeting (no class on Thursday), beginning on the start date listed herein.

Tuition includes:

  • Classroom time
  • Comprehensive textbook
  • New Jersey licensing laws
  • One Year Guarantee of Satisfaction - A prompt and regular attendance is vitally important to your success in our courses. Students who miss any classes are allowed to make them up in any of our day, evening or Saturday courses at any of our
    locations. You are entitled to attend future classes for FREE for a period of one year from your enrollment date.
Receipt Of Materials:

You will receive all materials on the first day of class.

Days & Times

Classed run from Monday through Friday, from 8:30am - 4:30pm starting on the date listed in the "Venues/Dates" tab above.

Class Formats

We offer our training in a HYBRID environment, meaning the class is taught live by our Instructors, and you have the choice of attending the class via either In-Person or Online/Virtual formats.

To register, simply select the class start date from the "Venues/Dates" tab above. Upon order completion, you will receive an email with access instruction for attending Online/Virtually. If you plan to attend in-person, your text books will be provided on your first day of class (if you need them prior, you can contact us to have them shipped (a shipping fee would apply)).

About The Provider: American School of Business is the largest independent provider of Real Estate, Insurance, Securities & Accounting training programs in the state of New Jersey. In 2006 we added Mortgage Training Courses for Loan Originators, Processors and Underwriters. In addition we offer Licensed Lender Exam Prep courses for those preparing for their Mortgage Bankers, Brokers and/or Secondary Lenders licensing exams.

We offer licensing courses, continuing education seminars, and exam prep programs. Courses may be completed by attending one of our training centers, on-line through our Virtual University or we can customize a program to fill your on site training needs.

Refund Policy:

If any course is cancelled, closed or filled, tuition and registration fees will be refunded. NO registration or tuition fee will be refunded for any reason on or after the first meeting of the class.

If a student wishes to drop out of a class, a student must notify us 5 business days in advance of the original starting date in order to receive a tuition refund, minus a $50 per course registration fee. There are no refunds or exchanges on study materials.
Price: $295.00
More Info: Contact Us For More Information
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Keywords For This Course:

New Jersey Life insurance licensing, New Jersey life insurance pre-licensing, life insurance

Currently Scheduled Dates For This Seminar
Course TitleCity/StateDate
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ3/17/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ4/21/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ5/12/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ6/16/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ7/21/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ8/18/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ9/22/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ10/20/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ11/17/2025
New Jersey Life Only Insurance Pre-Licensing Class-DaytimeFairfield, NJ12/15/2025
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