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Course/Product Description

Microsoft® Excel® Basics

Format: In-Person Seminar
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Microsoft® Excel® Basics
Discover the basics, plus expert power tips!

Starting with the basics and moving to more advanced features, you'll learn how to turn Excel into your most powerful productivity tool. If you're only tapping into a few of the features of this powerful and versatile software, get set for a productivity explosion! You'll learn hundreds of ways to work faster, smarter, and savvier with Excel!

You don't have to waste hours wading through thick manuals … sitting in classes for days, even weeks … fruitlessly punching keys in trial and error learning efforts — forget all that! Our guaranteed one-day computer training gives you the most information possible in the least amount of time. Most of us don't have time in our busy workdays for extended training or on-the-job learning. Enroll in Excel Basics today, and you'll master the basics and move on to the tough stuff — away from deadlines, demands, and office pressures.

So many of us work by habit — doing things the same old way we learned to do them the first time. Break free of old habits and discover the Excel power tools that are available and just waiting to be used! You'll learn the ABCs of using charts, graphs, fonts, borders, shading, and more — and produce spreadsheets that communicate better and really get attention! You'll leave the seminar with a pack of professional tips for brilliant, distinctive output every time, on every worksheet!

This one-day seminar is for beginning to intermediate users. Learn how to set up Excel to meet your personal needs at work or at home, and customize its many features so that it works for you!

  • Master an array of Excel formulas and functions that put spreadsheet power at your fingertips!
  • Design and organize the best possible worksheet — before you enter the first number
  • Give your worksheets visual punch with exciting charts and graphs, step by step, the easy way!
  • Make editing easy — fearlessly copy, move, delete, insert, or replace anything in your worksheet!
  • Solve common printing problems and end irritating output surprises once and for all
  • Macros now! Even if you're a beginner, create and use simple macros that save time and sidestep mistakes!


Take a Quick Tour of Excel Basics!

  • Shortcut menus: the most efficient way to access commands for any task
  • Help for Help! How to find what you need in Help without the endless searching and scrolling
  • How to select cells or ranges of cells — 2 methods to choose from
  • How to find a single file or a particular workbook in record time

Build a Worksheet From the Ground Up

  • What to consider before you create a worksheet — expert advice on building a worksheet framework that will accomplish your objectives
  • Tips for entering text and numbers, and a super-quick way to cancel or confirm your entry
  • The view you need — how to zoom in and zoom out of your worksheet
  • When titles and labels keep moving out of view: techniques to freeze them in place while you move around your worksheet

Harness the Real Power Behind the Numbers

  • Formula and Function basics — on-the-mark advice that will end confusion once and for all
  • Mathematical formulas made easy: how to subtract, multiply, or divide data
  • Basic Excel functions that let you calculate averages, percentages, and much more using built-in predefined formulas

Learn the Techniques That Produce Visually Exciting Worksheets!

  • The secrets to attractive, readable worksheets: 5 formatting guidelines that apply to any worksheet you produce
  • How to control alignment, decimals, dollar signs, and more — in one easy operation
  • Fonts, shading, and borders that increase the readability and attractiveness of your worksheet

Get the Output You Want Without Trial-and-Error Printing

  • Print Options: the many choices Excel gives you to customize your printing. Plus, how to add headers, footers, and page numbers to a worksheet
  • No more strange page breaks — how to set manual page breaks and ensure that your titles and labels print on every page

Add Impact and Visual Punch To Your Data!

  • An easy-to-understand glossary of the terms used in charting and graphing data
  • The Chart Wizard — how to easily produce vivid, exciting charts to accompany your data, even if you're a total novice
  • Where to actually put your chart: all about embedded charts, separate charts, and chart sheets within a workbook

Gain Speed, Efficiency, and Ease At Every Session!

  • Large worksheets with Split Windows — the best way to effortlessly view distant figures side by side
  • For mouse-haters: a quick guide to shortcuts that keep your hands on the keyboard
  • An end to macro mystery — how you can automate many tasks using macros

Our Excel training is just what you'll need to increase your productivity and take your current Excel skills to the next level!

CPE Credit

Fred Pryor Seminars and CareerTrack are registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. CPE certificates will be available 10 days after your event has ended.

Other Microsoft Excel Courses

If you want to learn more than Excel Basics, check out:

About The Provider: Founded more than 50 years ago when Fred Pryor pioneered the "one-day seminar," Pryor Learning has become one of the nation's leading corporate training providers, offering in-person and online training to millions of individuals and organizations—from small and mid-sized businesses to governments and nonprofits to Fortune 500s. In addition to our vast library of on-demand content, we offer thousands of in-person and live virtual seminars taught by engaging, expert instructors—all at a lower price than virtually any other provider in the space. Visit our website to learn more.
Price: $79.00
More Info: Contact Us For More Information
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Currently Scheduled Dates For This Seminar
Course TitleCity/StateDate
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsCentral Time Zone3/13/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsCentral Time Zone3/17/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsPacific Time Zone3/18/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsEastern Time Zone3/19/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsCentral Time Zone3/25/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsPacific Time Zone3/26/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsEastern Time Zone3/27/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsEastern Time Zone3/31/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsCentral Time Zone4/2/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsPacific Time Zone4/3/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsPacific Time Zone4/7/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsEastern Time Zone4/8/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsCentral Time Zone4/10/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsCentral Time Zone4/14/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsPacific Time Zone4/15/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsEastern Time Zone4/16/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsCentral Time Zone4/22/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsPacific Time Zone4/23/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsEastern Time Zone4/24/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsEastern Time Zone4/29/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsCentral Time Zone4/30/2025
Microsoft® Excel® BasicsPacific Time Zone5/1/2025
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