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Course/Product Description

Certificate In Employee Benefits Law Seminar

Format: In-Person Seminar
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Certificate In Employee Benefits Law Seminar
Get Great HR Benefits Administration Training

Our Certificate In Employee Benefits Law Seminar is designed to to be the most comprehensive and practical seminar available in its field FOR HR benefits administration training.

The 4½ day seminar covers employee benefits issues that arise in the design and administration of employee benefit plans, the management of their assets, controversies between plan sponsors, trustees, participants, and the numerous government agencies that regulate these plans. The course will also cover all applicable Healthcare Reform issues.

Learning Objectives: Employee Benefits Law Seminar

The goal of this seminar is to improve the participant's ability to identify and limit risks to their organization in dealing with employee benefit plans and to provide "best practices" insights for ERISA compliance, Executive Compensation, M&A, Retirement Plan, and Welfare Benefit Plan Issues, and includes:

  • A comprehensive understanding of the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations relating to the administration of employee benefit plans and the management of their assets and how they affect plan sponsors, plan fiduciaries and plan service providers.
  • The basic skills to administer employee benefit plans and manage their assets pursuant to the current requirements of the law; to recognize and avoid problem areas and to cope with regulatory requirements; to respond appropriately to compliance complaints; and to minimize the possibility of expensive and time-consuming litigation.
  • Information regarding current regulatory, litigation and legislative developments and trends in the employee benefits field which will enable participants to make important contributions to the administration and management of employee benefit plans performed by their organizations, and to anticipate and cope with the ever-emerging regulatory and enforcement developments in these critical areas.
Learn Key Steps To Employee Benefits Management

By participating in this seminar you will learn key concepts to successful employee benefits management, including:
  • Learn the practical application and "best practices" in this complex field
  • Improve your on-the-job skills immediately
  • Increase your confidence in dealing with the complex area of employee benefits
  • Reduce your organization's exposure to expensive and time-consuming litigation
  • Update your information and knowledge in a rapidly changing field of law
  • Have all your employee benefits law questions answered by highly experienced attorneys
  • Increase your value to your organization
  • Meet and exchange ideas with colleagues in a stimulating environment
  • Earn an important credential

How You Receive Your Certificate:

The Certificate in Employee Benefits Law is awarded after a participant attends the full 4½ day seminar. No examinations are given. These handsome certificates are mailed three to four weeks after the end of each program.

Class Hours:

Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm. Friday 8:00am-12:00pm.

About The Provider: Founded in 1979, the Institute for Applied Management & Law, Inc. (IAML) is the nation's leading producer of comprehensive Human Resources employment and labor law seminars.

IAML offers practically-oriented Human Resources labor law seminars, webinars, DVDs, and online learning for professionals requiring timely and accurate information on employment law, labor law, employee benefits law, and human resource management.

Make sure your organization is doing this correctly by attending one of IAML's Human Resources employment and labor law seminars!
Price: $2,375.00
More Info: Contact Us For More Information
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Keywords For This Course:

employee benefits administration, employee benefits management, employee benefits law, hipaa, retirement, 401k, gina, hsa, pension, retirement, cafeteria, health, wellness, insurance

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